Tapathon 2011

Following the success of the first annual Tapathon event in 2010, The Performers Project is proud to announce their second annual nationwide tap dancing event, to be held in major cities throughout the UK on Sunday 16th October 2011.

In 2010 this national event brought together over 2000 tap dancing enthusiasts of all ages and fitness levels in an attempt to break a world record and the Tapathon events together raised an amazing £6,500 which was donated to the BBC Children in need fund.

This year aims to be an even bigger and better event, so whether you are a dance teacher, a past or present pupil, or you just love to tap dance and would love to help break a world record and raise funds for charity, all you have to do is click here www. theperformersproject.com to register and we will keep you informed about the 2011 Tapathon event.

We look forward to your participation in this great day of dance.

Click here to download the Tapathon 2011 details